
Well, here I am reverting back to my old ways. I did plan on making Mac and Cheese from scratch. That idea was axed. hmm Go figure.

The eldest and his boyfriend came over. After going through the kitchen and realizing that mom was up to her lazy tricks they decided to make a grocery run. A run that was badly needed if they wanted to eat.

I figured since I was still in my pj's at 5:30 pm I'd ask them to "please, please I beg you to pick up a pizza or 2".

Being the great kids that they are they willingly gave into my plea. And since the boyfriend likes the younger two boys he asked if they wanted to go along for the ride. The middle son said "heck yeah!"

So off the three of them went. I was really hoping that HyVee would have had a vegan pizza available but they didn't. Boyfriend is a vegan.

Here is the cool thing about my son's boyfriend. He just chills and deals with things. Ok so I bought pizza for the crew. He didn't want the pizza because it's not he buys pasta to make at home. How cool is he. He didn't pitch a fit..willingly picked up food for us and came back to make his vegan pasta.

Well, actually my son made his boyfriend vegan pasta..but still.

So yes mama took to the easy way out. DS and Boyfriend enabled momma. Kids all ate, and the pizza wasn't a bit over salted.
Now I need to figure something extra special to do for these two. They really do help me out quite a bit and I'm grateful for them.

Thank Goodness for these boys. They are all good kids and I'm quite blessed to have them.

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Potato Wedges require Salt

Yesterday after dropping the boys off at school, I made my way to the grocery store. I picked up a few random things we needed like Milk, gum (it's a staple) and a few other things.

While at the grocery store I thought "hm-mm, maybe I should try to cook today." So off I went in search of something semi-nutritious and easy enough for me to cook. I'm learning and baby steps are best.

I picked up Chicken Tenderloins, a sack of potatoes and salad. Hmm, that along with my pantry should produce a fine meal. On hand I had peas, cheese, bacon, Texas toast and ranch dressing along with some seasonings.

As I was pulling into my neighborhood, my head started to pound and my stomach started to ache. Ugh, just what I needed. Yep I am sick, barely made it in the house.

Not wanting my plans of making a home made, semi-nutritious and delectable dinner for the fam to be foiled I decided to push on. Even called the eldest to come over for some grub.

So last night even though I didn't feel well I made the effort to cook my family a semi-nutritious meal.

The meal consisted of Bacon Ranch Chicken tenderloins, seasoned potato wedges, garlic cheese Texas toast, peas and salad and frosted brownies for desert.

Sounds good right. Yeah it kinda looks better in print, but in reality it pretty much sucked. The chicken was OK, garlic toast was good, peas well they were canned so they were OK. Salad nobody ate. The potato wedges ate through our tongues and probably burned our esophagus.

The wedges really were that bad.

Someone once told me cooking was like science. Well I sucked at science so that's my excuse.

In prepping the potatoes I "followed" a recipe from the Internet. Everything was clicking along until I realized I didn't have some of the ingredients. Ingredients like onion powder. Who the hell keeps onion powder on hand. I sure don't.

Without the proper ingredients I had to improvise. That right there is what did me in. Improv works in the movies, it works in comedy clubs but not with cooking apparently.

All Seasoning salt is what I improvised with. It had some of the ingredients in the mix so it seemed a reasonable substitute.

After substituting the amounts called I added it to the taters. They didn't seem to have enough seasoning on them so I added more till it looked good. NEVER do that!

Well everything seemed to be going well I was on a schedule and everything. Those fries were in the oven. Things came out on time and the chicken was juicy..didn't look browned enough but next time I will sear it in a pan first.

The boys came up to eat and everyone loaded their plates.

The first one to bite into the potato wedge actually had mounds of catsup on the wedge and his eyes literally bugged out of his head. Those wedges were horrible.

So the lesson of the day is follow the recipe to the 9nth and do not substitute even if it sounds like it makes sense.

I still suck at cooking, but I'm trying and isn't that what counts.

1st Post

You see that picture there.. That pretty much sums up my skills. I'm the one on the right, the one with the FU paper...only I'm a 39 year old mother and wife.
Women, ladies this old should be good at this type of thing. Housewives, mothers we are supposed to be good cooks, clean house do all that domestic type stuff. So why is it that I pretty much suck at that stuff.
My husband is really good at it all. When the boys were younger he was out to sea most of the time except while on shore duty. Then we were both working. All the domestic stuff he took care of when he was home.
While he was out to sea I took care of it. Everyone survived. Somehow we made it without him. The boys were never bothered by my less than desireable cooking skills.
Now that he's retired and has a new job our lives are changing. He would prefer for me to be more domestic. It's gonna be a rough ride because he is a perfectionist and I'm not perfect.
On this blog I will take you along on my journey. Think of me as jungle girl trying to fit into the world that wasn't made for her. I'm pretty much a free spirit trying to please a man who will probably never be satisfied. I'll plug away at this and still try to maintain my own identity in the process.